Benchdog Micro Adjust Flip Stop assessment
Out of the box, I felt there was too much play in the adjustable green stop.
I do like the performance better after completing the rebuild below.
Shipped with the Micro Adjust Flip Stop was a package containing two small spacers.
I took the assembly apart to minimize the play.
• I achieved the minimalist play by removing the white plastic spacer shipped with the unit and re-aligning the parts as follows.
• I inserted the screw shaft into the hole and with one of the small spacers placed in first. Second was the thumb screw, its small surface next then the small spacer. Third is the second small spacer, and fourth is the metal spring tension spacer, which has a small surface next to the small spacer.
• I inserted the two springs in their respective places for the adjustable green stop head.
• I completed the realignment and installed the unit onto the track.
Another winner from bench dogs , extremely well packaged and assembled . Very high quality.
Perfectly square out the box purchased wall hanger keeps it at hand ready to use